"After Fire" is an ongoing, research project that explores humanity's complex relationship with fire throughout history and in today's context of climate change and resource scarcity. Historically, fire has been a tool for human prosperity, enabling survival, regeneration, and transformation. However, our relationship with fire has become problematic as we burn vast amounts of fuel, inevitably releasing carbon in the process. Nonetheless biomass counts as ‘renewable energy’. "After Fire" aims to trace the material narratives of different fuel sources and navigate the nuances and challenges associated with the use of fire in a contemporary context. In this first stage of the project, we gave particular focus to the fuels used, and the aftermath of their incineration: the ash.
Exploring alternative harvesting methods like coppicing and pollarding, through craft and incineration ash.
Tracing the materiality of a tree destined for incineration at a biomass incineration plant.
Wicker Firewood Baskets - 2023
Exploring alternative harvesting methods like coppicing and pollarding, through craft and incineration ash.

Felled Lamp - 2023
Tracing the materiality of a tree destined for incineration at a biomass incineration plant.

Reseach, Context and Process

Storm felled tree. Amsterdam 2023

Yoshida no Himatsuri (Yoshida Fire Festival) 2023, Japan