Led by Kevin Rouff and Paco Boeckelmann, ThusThat is a design practice with a focus on materials and alternative making processes.

As graduates of the Stanford Univeristy, University of Twente, Royal College of Art (MA) and Imperial College London (MSc), our work with overlooked materials involves moving between scientific research, industrial practices, and making. We design independent collections, as well as designing for brands, consulting for industrial stakeholders, collaborating with research groups, and working alongside architects. 


Feb 2024
Design Sediments, HuidenClub, Rotterdam

Jan 2024
One Side Sawn, solo, ToolsGalerie, Paris

Aug 2023
The Farm Shop, Fels Gallery, London

July 2023
Cheongju Craft Biennale, South Korea

May 2023
Villa Alba Museum, Melbourne Design Week, Australia

Feb 2023
Postcards of Rotterdam, Netherlands

Dec 2022
Bratislava Design Week, Slovakia

Nov 2022
The Planetarian, Beijing Design Week, China

SEPT 2022
The Futurists, Mint Gallery, London

MAY 23 2020 - JAN 2022
Critical Zones – Observatories for Earthly Politics, Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe

APR-NOV 2021   
Colors, etc., Lille Tripostale, Lille

OCT 2021   
Dutch Design Week, Sectie-C, Eindhoven

SEPT 2021   
Against the Grain, Copeland Gallery, London

FEB 2021   
Materia Gris – New Materials for the Post-Fossil Era, CentroCentro, Madrid

SEPT 2020
HIDW – Design’s Construct of Pluriversality, Xiong'an, China

MAR 2020  
Kleureyck – Van Eyck's Colours in Design, Design Museum Gent

MAR 2020   
Collaboration for Olafur Eliasson’s material lab at “Sometimes the River is the Bridge”, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

FEB 2020   
Design Transfigured/Waste Reimagined, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art

NOV 2019
This Is Copper, Solo Exhibition, Metallo, Belgium

OCT 2019
Design Transfigured/Waste Reimagined, Georgetown University

OCT 2019
Veemgebouw, Dutch Design Week

SEPT 2019   
DesignFresh & MaterialDriven, London Design Festival

JUN 2019    
The Model Room, Anagra, Tokyo

APR 2019   
Slag Valorization Symposium, Mechelen

MAY 2019    
Designing Perspectives, Venice Biennale


Feb 2020  
Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Arts

Feb 2020  
Arizona State University, Center for Philosophical Technologies

Oct 2020  
Crafts Magazine For London Craft Week

Oct 2020  
C2 Montreal, Keynote Speaker

Mar 2021
Virginia Tech University, School of Architecture + Design, workshop and seminar

Mar 2021   
Dutch Invirtuals Academy

Mar 2021  
University of Groningen, Faculty of Science and Engineering

Mar 2021   
Harvard University, Ceramics Program

May 2021   
HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts & Design, Karlsruhe

Jun 2021   
Sandberg Institute / Rietveld Academy, Disarming Design, Amsterdam

Dec 2021   
VAC Zattere / Non-Extractive Architecture, Venice

Dec 2021   
KABK / Royal Academy of Art, the Hague

Jan 2022   
HfG Karlsruhe University of Arts & Design workshop, Karlsruhe

Mar 2022   
Dutch Invirtuals Academy

Aug 2022   
Goethe Institute, Jordan

Sept 2022   
Farb Design Forum, Berlin

Sept 2022   
Le Signe Centre Nationale du Graphisme, Chaumont, France

Oct 2022   
World Craft Council, Crafting a Greener Path for Europe

Oct 2022 - Feb 2023  
Guest Professors, HfG Karlsruhe, Seminar on material design


Design Museum Gent, Belgium

London Design Museum

FRAC Dunkerque


Fast.Co Innovation by Design Award, 2019

Wallpaper* ‘Design of the Year’ for material use, 2021

Dezeen’s ‘Emerging Studio of the Year’ shortlist, and ‘Sustainable Design of the Year’ longlist 2021


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